唉.....說實話 每次我在看中國的簡體字 真的是渾身不自在

我也不太明白 中文 明明就博大精深 中國幹嘛要 偷吃步 去 簡化它

古人 發明這象形文字 都有他自己的一套意思 這改成了簡體字 叫後代子孫 如何去聯想和發揚光大

例如.....我要吃..... 臉=面?吃臉????

人家很多外國人 還不都很努力的在學習中國字 而中國政府 幹嘛 閉門造車 自廢武功

好吧好吧...你們愛用簡體字 就用吧!但 地球還是有一部份人 想保有這優美的文化傳承

雖說這中國字 有些還真難記 現在人 常用電腦 很多字 洶洶....還會想不出來 不過

已經跟了我們這數十年的東西 要我們改掉不用 真的.....有點霸道

真不想再多學一個 簡體字.......呵呵..........幸好 也沒跟中國打交道 應該...用不上吧?(生活)

有時間的話 倒不如把英文練好一點!~

下面這篇文 有點長 可以不用看 就是進去連署 寫幾個簡單的東西就可以 不會花超過五分鐘


填完資料後 可以去察看自己的名字就被登入了察看自己是否已連署

目前 全球居然只有三十幾萬人連署 好像有點少喔

台灣 有兩千萬人耶!隨便連署....也應該破百萬 大家.....加油一下啦!~

我想 這不至於影響我們這世代 不過 我們的下一代呢?下下下一代?

不連署....人家 聯合國 會以為 我們很樂於 接受 簡體字的!


Say NO to United Nations' abolishment of Traditional Chinese in 2008

Below is a possible translation of the petition in TC.

GoPetition.com is calling for accurate translations of the petition in both simplified and traditional Chinese.

Please send your translations or comments to info@gopetition.com


Say NO to United Nations' abolishment of Traditional Chinese in 2008  

Category: Education

類別: 教育

Region: GLOBAL

區域: 全球

Web-site: http://www.ettoday.com/2006/04/24/91-1932042.htm




March 24, 2006


The Chinese language has many dialects spoken yet Mandarin has always been the official language.


In Mandarin, there are two present types of writings: Traditional and Simplified Chinese characters.

現今,國語有兩種文字: 繁體中文及簡體中文。

Traditional Chinese has been the official form of writing for thousands of years. And from it, the Simplified form was born. In recent decades, China ’s effort in trying to make Chinese easier for both her youth and foreigners resulted in this push of Simplified Chinese. However, at the same time, Traditional Chinese is still studied and widely recognized.


The purpose of Simplified Chinese was meant for an easier reading (with less characters) and less pen-strokes in writing characters. It is the attempt of making Chinese more phonetic rather than having many words pronounced the same.


The two forms of Chinese have always co-existed peacefully for many years. The importance of Traditional Chinese lies in the fact that each character represents a very specific meaning. This is of extreme importance because it allows the reader to understand a written word even without the word being in context.


Simplified Chinese, although convenient, fails to incorporate meaning into its characters. Many words of same phonetic sounds are replaced by a single character that possesses the same sound but lacks in meaning. The major downfall of Simplified Chinese is that it lacks meaning. Currently, historical texts are in Traditional Chinese, (simply because one can read and understand based on the author’s choice of words) however, if Traditional Chinese is to be replaced by Simplified Chinese, one would not be able to understand these texts/writings because words have lost their meanings, they simply represent a way of pronouncing the texts. As time progresses, this would result in the loss of history and culture.


UN's action to "unify" the Chinese characters and recognize ONLY Simplified Chinese will have devastating impact upon the Chinese language, culture, history. Internationally, Traditional Chinese would be forgotten and neglected, it would only be a matter of time before Traditional Chinese becomes the next “Latin”. (the dead language) Along with this lost of language, would be a culture and histories loss forever.


Although Simplified Chinese is an easier way to learn Chinese, but it should not be the only form of Chinese written language. It should be a convenience, not an absolute. By allowing it to become the “official” writing, the Chinese language would be in regression.


Example of Simplified VS Traditional (provided by a fellow supporter)

簡體中文跟繁體中文比較之範例 ﹝支持同伴提供﹞

The word Noodle in Chinese


Traditional: = + (wheat + surface)

繁體中文: = + ﹝麥 - 榖類 + 表面,

Simplified: (surface/face/noodle)

簡體中文: ﹝表面 / / - 食物類

*meaning in brackets


The Traditional form has two parts which helps to identify it as noodles. Simplified character only provides the pronouciation so the reader would be unable to determine the meaning without it's context.


We, the undersigned, are appalled by the abolishment of Traditional Chinese in UN documents. This is an act of annihilation of the culture and history of the Chinese people.


Both Traditional and Simplified Chinese are of extreme significance and should be recognized equally on the international level and by UN.



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Category: Education.........
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Region: GLOBAL................
區域: 全球

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